Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Where in the world?

Every time I tell people that I am taking a year off to go travel the first question I get, besides "oh my...aren't you scared?" is "where are you going?". At first, I had no clue. I just knew that I was going to Africa. Where in Africa? - I'm not entirely sure. But after a long discussion with my father, I can now say where in the world I am going.
The first three months of my trip will be spent in Africa. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa and hopefully Egypt. From there I will be going to India. I plan on visiting the Taj Mahal, going to the Gujarat, Goa and Maharashtra regions. And finally, I'll be heading off to Europe with my base in Germany. I'll be traveling through out the EU and making side trips to England and Ireland.
My trip isn't really set in stone and I'd like to keep it that way. I want to travel in a way that if an opportunity arises, I have the freedom and flexibility to take advantage and veer off the path. Having everything planned and set not only restricts me but keeps me from truly exploring the world. It's the same reason why I don't want to be considered a tourist where ever I go. Yes, I'll be new to the city or country and yes, I probably won't speak the language. But the trip isn't about going to sites and taking a quick photo just to say that I've been there. It's about learning and becoming more aware of the world around me. Truly taking in all that the world has to offer and maybe learning about myself in the process.

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