Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Call me "Miss Velji"

The past two days have been great! I've met so many new students and learned so much about their lives and their schooling system. First off, one crazy thing about this school is the punishment system. I've already talked about being hit by a cane but that's not the only way they punish the kids...yesterday I arrived to the school, late (more on that later), rushing and in a hurry to get the the library. As I am walking across the field area I see a young man (he was probably my age) using a hoe -the farming tool y'all, haha- and loosening the dirt around the flag pole. And he did that the whole day and today. So I asked Dorcas "why is he doing that?" And she said that he was getting punished because on Sunday someone saw him drunk and that's against the school rules. So as punishment they made him do manual labor Monday and today. At first I was shocked. But then I thought about it. If the kids back home had to do this every time they got caught doing anything, I doubt anyone would ever try to break rules ever again. But that wasn't the only crazy thing I saw yesterday! I was sitting in the library, cataloging, and I was hearing this loud crack. I look outside and there is Felix (the guy who sells snacks and soda) chopping wood...with an axe! 
At one point he swung so close to his leg I thought he was going to chop it off! It was just crazy to see someone chopping wood in the middle of the school. But that's normal for them! Oh! Here are the Texas textbooks I was talking about!
They also have Grammar books from Camino middle school in El Paso! And for lunch yesterday I had a traditional meal of maize and beans with cabbage. 
Wanna see what they use for brooms?
It doesn't even have a handle. And here is a shot of the library from where I sit!
I've met so many students, but they only have 200 in all. I don't know how any teacher can remember one class of names let alone everyone's! Hopefully I get better at it. One girl, Saomo, is so sweet. She and I get along really well. She said she would help me with Kiswahili if I help her with English! And then this kid yesterday, Douglas, basically interrogated me about why I was here. But all the kids are very respectful and nice. Eventually I'll get pictures with them! But in all, school is great! And it's been keeping me busy! Oh! Before I forget! I was late yesterday thanks to a tuktuk! We called a "reliable" one. And he said he would be at the hotel in 5 minutes. 20 minutes later, Ida and I are still waiting outside the hotel! Finally, he arrives...and the tuktuk doesn't start. After 5 minutes he finally gets it going and gets me to school. But from now on I am just going to use the driver...
Also! I went grocery shopping yesterday. My fridge is all stocked up! 
Hehe, they have milk bags like in Canada! And they had "Texas BBQ" Pringles so, of course, I had to get them! But I am all stocked up in snacks! I'm lucky enough that I don't have to worry about meals. The school provides lunch and I get breakfast and dinner from the hotel! My apartment is all organized and set! I even have a thing of fruit in my living room! 

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it interesting to learn about differing world viewpoints. In North America we have generally tried hard to keep things that happen AT school quite separate from things that happen AWAY from school. But in your school they don't do that... and I learned, that in Japan the students' activities are also connected.
    Your eating arrangements would be perfect for me too... minimal cooking!!
    I liked the photograph of your maize, beans, and cabbage; it looked delicious. Is the food spicy? Or do you have to add your own Tabasco sauce?!! hahaha!
    And I love that you found Texas BBQ chips!! Perfect!
    I've seen those brooms on TV and in movies... I have no idea how they work. It seems that they use a sideways motion but I think I would be tossing the dirt up into my own face!!
    I've heard about Texas being a powerhouse in the textbook field worldwide. Let's hope they don't send any of their (non)science books... like Creationism!! gads!!
    I noticed your fruit sitting on your table. Do you not have to worry about gigantic African bugs??? Right now Lal and I are fighting a losing battle with fruit flies... they're driving us CRAZY!!! Have you seen any ugly 6 legged things?? DON'T give me too much detail or I'll have nightmares like the time your Mom sent me photos of that giant Texas spider which was the size of a Buick!!!
    That's a beautiful library...nice tall ceilings and all.
    Loved this latest addition to your blog... your stories and observations rock!!!
    Love, Grandma :)
