Monday, September 23, 2013

Westgate...and other news

I don't know if most of you have heard yet, but there has been a horrible terrorist attack since Saturday at Westgate mall in Nairobi. 62 have been counted dead as of today and it is believed that there are still hostages trapped inside the mall. Kenya hasn't had such a tragic event like this since 1998 and it's been effecting everyone. Just today at school, when I saw Dorcas and Halima, the first thing we talked about was the situation in Nairobi. It's upsetting to think about how many innocent lives have been lost. Among them, many children. And the fact that the terrorists haven't been stopped and that it has been 2 days is even worse. Hopefully, no more lives are lost. 
Apart from that, most of my week has been consumed by school. On Thursday when I went to school, Dorcas and I were misplaced thanks to meetings all day. So we just chilled in the staff room. I watched the students play volleyball for a while. 
And then, during lunch two boys were escorted into the staff room. Apparently they had been fighting. One of the boys stole the other kids glasses and so the kid decided to fight him. Now, there is zero tolerance for fighting at this school. And the way they deal with fighting here is very different from the way they deal with fighting in Texas. The two boys had to kneel in front of the teachers. They both plead their case. Then they got yelled at by all the teachers and then they got beat. On the butt, the back of the knees, the legs and the arms. Both boys looked like they were about to cry. It was very difficult to watch, but that's how it is here. Also while in the staff room, they had a TV set up and during lunch we watched a Nigerian movie. Those are...interesting...but here is a picture of the TV. 
Notice anything? It's a little hard to see, but the antenna is actually a spoon!! Hahaha! And the best part was it worked! But apart from that not much has really happened. I went to Massi's house Saturday. I walked by myself and she wasn't happy about that. But we had a good chat just about her life and our family. She is an amazing woman. She worked until she was 85! And the only reason she stopped was because she was getting slow. I really enjoyed that afternoon with her. And I plan on visiting her every Saturday! And I had lunch with Shams and Gulshan on Sunday, they are my great aunt and uncle and that was nice as well! 
Oh! Look what was in the newspapers on Friday...
This kind of stuff happens all the time here. And it really upsets me. And it wasn't even a major story. It's just considered a mini story. Ugh. Anyways, the library work has kept me very busy! I've been typing up catalogs and today we made makeshift card holders for the books. 
All handmade! Hehe. And I had fun after school with some more form 4 students. All the students are so nice! And now that they know I'm not mean, they all want to talk to me during lunch or after school. On Friday, the lunch was running late so a group of guys came in to talk to me about everything, basically. They are all amazed at how "young" I am. I think they all thought I was in my 20s...haha. 
Hopefully I'll have some more happy and interesting news later on, but until then...every thing is well where I am at. P.S. Happy birthday, Saffluuuu! 

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