Monday, December 2, 2013

Chill Day

In one of my earlier posts from Kisumu I made a mistake that I would like to fix. There was this fruit that I had thought was called jambura...apparently I had misheard the word. It is actually known as zambarau which means purple in Swahili. Sorry! Hehe. 

The reason I am clarifying is because Romaana and I went downtown today to run some errands and we stopped at this juice place called Naeem's. I saw that they had the zambarau and so (of course) I ordered it! 
It looks just like pomegranate juice...and it's almost as good...almost. 

Then, Sophie (Romaana's friend) picked us up and took us to Oyster Bay (the beach) to have mohgo and chips. 
There is nothing in this world quite like street food. I don't care where you are from, if you try food from the street vendors or food from a 5 star restaurant I guarantee you'll pick the street food every time! It's just amazing. And cheap so what's not to like? 
There is the guy frying the mohgo. 
A view of the sea from Sophie's house. 

Then we went to Sophie's house and just hung out, had chai, and I watched the sunset. 
Just a gorgeous color. The photo doesn't do it justice. 

Overall it was a chill day, but I just wanted to blog about the food because it was delicious and I don't think I have blogged about really good food (besides yesterday) in a while. 


  1. The mohgo looks like poutine to me!!!
    What exactly is mongo??

  2. Damn you autocorrect!! Not mongo but MOHGO!!!!

  3. It's called cassava or yuca in English I think
