Saturday, November 9, 2013

I Am So Lucky

I don't consider myself the "volunteer type". I knew people who would spend their weekends devoted to the animal shelter or hospitals, simply to give their time to a good cause. Sure, I spent a couple weekends every now and then during the summer to volunteer or during school for various clubs. But I never volunteered on a daily or weekly basis. It wasn't something that I was setting aside time for each week to go do. I always found excuses or reasons why I didn't need to volunteer. 

It wasn't until coming to Kenya that I truly understood the reason why people love volunteering. I've learned so much from both places that I've volunteered at. And not just that, I felt good helping other people. I felt there was some meaning to my life. That I wasn't just wasting my time doing nothing. I had a purpose for why I was here and within that purpose I was helping others the best I could. 

Volunteering has been an addiction for me. Every day I woke up ready to go to the school or the library as soon as possible. I would literally be sitting in the lobby every morning for 20 minutes just waiting to be picked up so that I could go.

Yesterday, I had to say my final good byes to the school and the library. I went to the National Library as per usual and just cataloged as many books as I could on my last day. I thanked Moses and Nancy, the two people who were like my bosses in a way. Assigning me work and showing me how to be a real librarian haha. They had been so kind to me and even though I was only at the library for 2 weeks, I learned so much about the system and the struggles. I'll never forget my time there and I hope to return in years to come. Maybe, those little kids will become the grown ups studying for their medical exams in the reference section. 

After leaving the library, I went back to visit my favorite place. The Muslim Secondary School. It was nice to go back and see everyone for a final time. I brought some cakes for everyone (the teachers and staff) and we had a mini party for the rest of the time I was there. 
They were so sweet! They presented me with a gift and gave a speech about how much I've changed the school by just being there. I was blown away by how much of a difference I made. I had no idea my presence made such a big impact. 

They weren't the only ones who were impacted though. If I hadn't volunteered there I would have never know about the problems within the society in Kenya. They accepted me into their system and gave me such a different view of life in Africa. I was able to understand what life is like for regular Africans. How hard it is here for everyone and they really changed me as a person. 

After all the emotional speeches, we had a frenzy of picture taking...
Zeina and I! Best friends forever! Haha! 
There is me with Felix and "mama". I don't actually know her name but she is the cook and she is like a mom to everyone at the school. They all call her mama. 
There's my age mate, Saumu and I. She is the head girl at the school and such a sweet person. Most of the form 4's had left after there exams so I wasn't able to see them. But she was still there! 
And there are some form 3s. Lavender and Sheila. 
Madam Sophie and I's "swag" as she liked to say. 
Madam Principal and I. And the only picture I got on my camera of Dorcas and I, just us together. 
She has been the older sister I never had. She was always watching over me and making sure no one tried to mess with me. I would be lucky to meet anyone like her ever again. She is just an amazing person. I look up to her completely and will always cherish every thing she has taught me. And same with Halima. The two of them have been so wonderful to me. I am lucky to call them my friends. 

We took some selfies together...
And then it was time for me to leave one last time. I waved good bye to everyone and slowly the school was faded to the background. 

This whole experience has been one of the best in my life. It's changed my views on volunteering and on how life is in Africa. And if anyone plans on volunteering in Kenya, go to Muslim Secondary. Or any school for that matter. They won't turn you down and it doesn't matter if you're with an organization or not. 

They have changed my life completely.  And I just feel lucky that I can say I was able to spend time there. Lucky, blessed...whatever you want to call it. I am just thankful for opportunity at both the school and the library. 

1 comment:

  1. I needed kleenex by the time I finished reading your post. Isn't it amazing to have had the experiences you've had, and befriended the people you've met, and within that short time that's all it's taken to have such a profound and permanent effect on your life.
    I always get annoyed with people who think they have to "be somebody famous" in order to mean something in this life. You have figured out that it's not about being celebrated , but only about leaving the world a little better place than when you arrived!! You don't have to be famous to be a hero!!! You're mine!!
    But wait!! You didn't mention anything about what you're doing next??? …and where???
