Thursday, November 28, 2013

Indian Wedding Part 2

Okay, so I forgot to post the end product of the mendhi yesterday so here it is. 
It got really dark over night which is awesome!! 

Today was part 2 of the Indian Wedding. The engagement. When Romaana and I made it to the venue (we were a bit late...African time!). The ceremonies had already begun. Now this wedding is a traditional Hindu wedding so neither Romaana or I knew what was going on half the time. But it was cool to see. 

Holy crap, there were so many ceremonies. And they were all very specific. The first one we saw, the bride had to accept all the gifts from the grooms side. She was already decked out in so much jewelry and a beautiful sari. Then they added all the grooms gifted jewelry and took her away to change her into a gifted sari which represented her passing to the grooms family (I think). 

Then there was a ceremony with the bride and groom seated together. I don't know what that was about so I can't really explain it. 

During this entire time, Romaana and I were seated up close because she is besties with the bride and groom. We were laughing because in the wedding video everyone is going to ask why there is a dorky (white girl) and who is she. 

Afterwards, there was one last ceremony. The priest wrote down and checked all the astronomical dates to make sure that the wedding was right and officially started the engagement. 

And then finally there was dancing and pictures. Here is the funny faced one. 

Romana and I took selfies. 
And we took a full picture as well!

We had also gone to an Ismali funeral that morning. I've been to one before but a long time ago, so it was good to be reminded of what happens. It's not as depressing as most funerals. Just a lot of singing and praying. 

But anyway, Romaana, her friend Sophie (I hope I spelled that right!) and I went to Mamboz Shizzgrill for dinner tonight. Sooo good!! It was a perfect way to end the night. 


  1. Your dresses are to die for!! Both of them!!
    Did you buy this? or did someone lend it to you?
    WOW!!!! :)

  2. Manboz!!!
    Roses are red, violets are blue
    I miss mamboz' nundu!

  3. You look beautiful! That first picture, i don't even think you look out of place. I miss you more everyday! I can't wait for the day i get to do the same thing you are. I promise to email soon!
