Saturday, November 16, 2013

My Distant Relatives

The hostel we are staying at is called Distant Relatives Echo Lodge. It's such a cool place. It's very hippie and indie. So many people from all over the world are here. We are staying in a hut that has 4 bunk beds on bamboo with nets. 
We have a tree growing through our hut. 

They also have these bathrooms that are compost. So you pee in one part and poo in the other. And you use toliet paper to wipe but then you cover it in saw dust.
And the shower is made out of bamboo as well!
It's just gorgeous. Randy: if you ever decide to go back to Africa for a vacation or something, this is the perfect place for you! Every thing here reminds me of you and Monica!

Yesterday, (Friday) we just hung around in town. 

When we got back we went for sunset yoga on the beach. It was amazing! The instructor, Mode, is from Montreal and she has spent a year in India training and she lived in New York for a year just practicing yoga. All the locals were just watching us but it was so much fun. 

We ordered, here at the lodge, a pumpkin spinach curry on coconut rice. 
It was amazing! So delicious. Who knew that eating veggie could be so amazing?? 


  1. Yoga on the beach; you ARE in paradise!!
    But nothing can beat that image of pumpkin spinach curry; yes, that's the best of all the food images you'e posted… at least for me!! Those accommodations look like such fun!… right out of a movie!!!
