Wednesday, November 20, 2013


There is one word to describe Mombasa. HOT! Holy moly, it's hot. And coming from a girl who left Texas when it was 109 every day...that's a big deal. It finally feels the way I imagined Africa to feel. No end or relief to sweat or that filmy feeling you have when you aren't sweating, but you're not comfortable either. I'm not complaining though! I welcome this to whatever snowy, stormy weather any one is experiencing right about now. 

The very first night I arrived in Mombasa I met up with Nurjan Auntie and we went out for BBQ. Mishkaki and Zanzibar pizza! Best food ever. With a black currant fanta to top it off. That has become my replacement for root beer here since no one know what root beer actually is. 

The next day she had work so I just decided to relax and read. She has a wonderful collection of books and I am eager to read as many as I can before I leave. 

That night when she came home we went for a drive and stopped by the seaside to just sit and enjoy the cool breeze. I had fresh coconut! Yum yum yum! 

The next day (Tuesday) she came home early and we went to old town. There are so many Arabs and Muslims it's like being back in Turkey. There were so many shops and vendors! And we got so much food! Sweet bread (made of coconut rice), melons...and then we went to the seaside and got more coconut and sweet potato with chili and lime! 

And here is a picture of the sunset. 
Just gorgeous. 

As of right now, I've finally got some wifi. I'm at this super amazing resort owned by my grandparents best friends. I just had lunch with them and they are so nice. We just realized we have met before at...just guess y' Indian wedding! I knew they looked familiar! 

So now I'll just be chilling and trying to get as dark as the Africans! I can already feel myself getting darker! :p 

1 comment:

  1. Just remember: "Today's tanned beauty is tomorrow's wrinkled prune"!
    On the other hand, we only live ONCE so live life to the fullest, including a beautiful dark tan!! haha! …be sure to post photos of the tanned one, please!!!
